Sunday, October 05, 2008

Randomanics 101: Insurance policies

About 2 weeks ago, I bought my 2nd insurance policy. The first one's a life insurance (non-participating)* that insures my beneficiary/ies will monetarily profit from my death. (very rosy outlook, don't you think?)

This 2nd policy is for my retirement benefits. While I know Pitik-Bulag loves me to death (bad choice of words used here), it is (for now) incapable of assuring that 33 years from now it will give me something to retire on when I (inevitably) become useless to the company. So I started a variable life insurance policy. Some wise man once said "Money can't make you happy. But it can keep you unhappy in nice places." That's the effect I'm going for here.

My buying a policy inspired a thought during a conversation with a very shrewd friend of mine. We discussed whether I should make a post about this whole thing. I don't quite remember if we had a resolution to that discussion. All that's academic now seeing as the topic's already been posted.

Anyway, this post's ramdomanic is this:

People say the best time to buy life insurance is when you're young.
But once you do, one of the first things it makes you feel is old.

*if you've questions about life insurance policies but don't want to talk to an agent yet thinking you'll get strong-armed into buying one, I can probably answer some of them. Not that I'm an expert or anything. But I've done some homework on this thing so I think I know a bit more than the average Joe (or Jane or Juan, or.... you get the idea...).

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