Monday, July 14, 2008

"Congratulations! You're the Number One.... Loser"

So I was doing my usual thing every Saturday morning, that is, vegetating in front of the television and catching up on my channel surfing. I happened to flip over to the promotional clips for the Summer Olympics.

Then, in true scatterbrain fashion, that mass of gray matter I call a brain accessed this Jerry Seinfeld bit about the Olympics.

And I'm paraphrasing here...

"If I was an Olympic athlete, I would rather come in LAST than win the silver.

Because if you win the gold, that's great!
You get the bronze, you think 'Well, at least I got something.'

But when you get the silver... it's like...

'Congratulations! You.... almost won.'

'Of all the losers, you came in first.'

'No one lost ahead of you.'

'You're the Number One Loser.' "

Something to think about when August comes around.


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