Tuesday, December 04, 2007

What to Do When You're Working for.... (INTRO)

Notice that I didn't phrase it "What to Do When Your Boss Is..."

That's just because I've never really had one. (At least the way it's defined by Philippine labor codes.) And if you're pretty sharp, you would deduce from that statement that I was never employed.

But that is NOT to say that I've never worked for anyone.

To the contrary, compared to most professionals my age, I've probably worked for more people than the average Juan.

Which leads me to believe that as far superiors go, I think I've seen a pretty wide gamut of them and will continue to see more so long as my company continues to exist.

I'm working on the first bit and it should come out around the weekend.

I'm not even sure writing an intro for this thing's such a smart move. I might be setting some expectations which I'll fall short of.

But then again, it won't be the first time I fell flat on my face.

So what the hose.

Till Sunday night!

Or early Monday morning...

....maybe in the afternoon.

I dunno....

around that time,

I think....



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